Wednesday, March 18, 2015

OU Fraternity Woes

It sure does suck to be a sooner right now, especially if you're a sooner who is a part of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. The controversy surrounding the video in which members of the fraternity allegedly sang racist chants has had many across the country in an uproar about what kinds of things should be done to these men. However, according to circumstances, they may get away free under the protection of the constitution. Being that OU is a public institution, they must abide by the laws set forth by the government, which includes the first amendment protection of free speech, no matter how hateful or racist, of all citizens of the United States. This isn't the first time the constitution has been used to protect the speech of awful and dreadful people. The Westboro Baptist Church recently won a case that stated they would protest anywhere they want, saying whatever they believed, under the stipulation that they never attempt to hurt anyone. Being that president Boden, a former US Senator, has already elected to strip the fraternity of all university ties and has expelled two of the men seen in the video, it is being speculated that those involved may attempt to sue in retaliation to the hastily made decision. When thinking about this situation, it becomes apparent the huge stigma we as a country have deemed fit for racism within the last few years. Boden, who as previously mentioned is a former Senator, knew of the ensuing legal battle that may occur, but he immediately proceeded with the morally upstanding position, probably due to a mix of his own convictions as well as the excellent PR move it way prove to be. To stand up to the law in order to defend equality is quite a sentiment in the eyes of the public.

Further Reading on Topic

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