Saturday, May 9, 2015

Unexpected and Historical British Election

An unexpected landslide victory and the youngest diplomat in Britain since 1667 highlight the most recent election of the United Kingdom.

In what mock poles had deemed to likely be a very tight election, the results came as a surprise to the Labour Party when they had lost the Prime Minister Election and lost seats in the House, meaning they would not have majority control. The Conservative Party was victorious on all fronts, David Cameron being voted in as Prime Minister and claiming 331 of the 650 the seats in the House of Commons. That is a 24 seat increase for the Conservatives from the last election of 2010.

The Scottish National Party had adequate representation as well, including Mhairi Black who at only 20 years old, is the youngest lawmaker in British government since 1667. Black hopes to be a leading figure in removing the Labour Party's influence in her home country, ultimately gaining their independence. Given the huge set back that this election proved to be for Labour, Scottish independence may arrive sooner than she had originally planned.

Conservative Party

Scottish National Party

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